歌手: BBHF
どうせ最後には恋に落ちて 魂を売る 自由があっても 僕らには時間がない
そこいら中で抱きしめあってる猫たちの茂みに 火を付ける ヤツもでてくる
この渋滞の最後尾で 泣いてる声がする
それが合図になって 綺麗にみんなスピードをあげた
急げ急げ前に駆けろ 誰かの背に鞭を打て
歩みを止めずに愛しあえ ここまで来たと振り向くな
荒野の先の墓で 横たわり眠れる その時まで
僕ら痛みを誤魔化すことに人生を捧げて 残された 味気のない骨
しゃぶり尽くして 奪いあって くたびれて空を仰ぎ
それは姿をかえて 死神となり追いかけてくるから
急げ急げ前に駆けろ 偽の希望を前に吊るせ
歩みを止めずに死んでいく 倒れた誰かに振り向くな
生きたってラインを踏み ゴールテープ切る その時まで
吐いたぶんだけ 吸っているのは
誰かが吸って 吐いた 悲鳴にも似た輝き
せめて味わおう 甘くても苦くても
最後には皆同じ 真ん中にありつけるだろう
急げ急げ前に駆けろ さぁ俺の背に鞭を打て
歩みを止めずに競いあえ 勝ち負けはわからないさ
世界の果てを超えて 酒を飲み交わす その時まで
douse saigo ni ha koi ni o ti te tamasii wo u ru ziyuu ga axtu te mo boku ra ni ha zikan ga nai
sokoira tyuu de ida kisime axtu teru neko tati no sige mi ni hi wo tu keru yatu mo de te kuru
「 naa o i te ika nai de kure 」
kono zyuutai no saikoubi de na i teru koe ga suru
sore ga aizu ni naxtu te kirei ni minna supi-do wo age ta
iso ge iso ge mae ni ka kero dare ka no se ni muti wo u te
sadhisuto mo mazohisuto mo sarabureddo mitai ni gake pputi de
ayu mi wo to me zu ni ai siae koko made ki ta to hu ri mu ku na
kouya no saki no haka de yoko tawari nemu reru sono toki made
boku ra ita mi wo gomaka su koto ni zinsei wo sasa ge te noko sa re ta azike no nai hone
syaburi tu kusi te uba i axtu te kutabire te sora wo ao gi
ki ga too ku naru yo honto ni
「 naa syabe ri kake nai de kure 」
i kiru riyuu wo kotoba ni ha si nai hou ga ii
sore ha sugata wo kae te sinigami to nari o ikake te kuru kara
iso ge iso ge mae ni ka kero nise no kibou wo mae ni tu ruse
riarisuto mo nihirisuto mo ona zi umi wo mio rosu gake pputi de
ayu mi wo to me zu ni si n de iku tao re ta dare ka ni hu ri mu ku na
i ki ta tte rain wo hu mi go-ru te-pu ki ru sono toki made
ha i ta bun dake su xtu te iru no ha
dare ka ga su xtu te ha i ta himei ni mo ni ta kagaya ki
semete azi wao u ama ku te mo niga ku te mo
saigo ni ha mina ona zi ma n naka ni ari tu keru daro u
iso ge iso ge mae ni ka kero
kono ru-to ha eien zya nai
iso ge iso ge mae ni ka kero sa xa ore no se ni muti wo u te
medarisuto mo dhi fi thi suto mo haka ri ki re nai sora no moto de
ayu mi wo to me zu ni kiso iae ka ti ma ke ha wakara nai sa
sekai no ha te wo ko e te sake wo no mi ka wasu sono toki made
We'll fall in love and sell our souls in the end anyway, and we'll be free, but we don't have much time.
There are cats cuddling all over the place... and he's gonna set fire to the bushes, and some of them...
"Hey, don't leave me here!"
"Hey, don't leave me here!" I hear him crying at the end of this traffic jam.
That's the signal. Everyone speeds up nicely.
Hurry up, hurry up, run ahead, crack the whip on somebody's back!
Sadists and masochists, like thoroughbreds, on the edge of the cliff
Keep going and make love, don't stop, don't look back, you've come this far
Till the day we can lie down and sleep in a grave at the end of the wilderness
We've spent our lives trying to cover up the pain, and all that's left are these tasteless bones.
We suck and suck and suck and suck... and then we get tired and we look up in the sky... and we realize that we've lost our minds.
It's so depressing... really.
Hey, don't talk to me.
"Hey, don't talk to me.
Because it will disguise itself as the Grim Reaper and come after you.
Hurry up, hurry up, run ahead, hang your false hope in front of it.
Realists and nihilists alike, on the edge of a cliff overlooking the same sea
Don't look back at someone who's fallen
You're alive, you're alive, you're alive, you're alive, you're alive, you're alive, you're alive.
I'm breathing in as much as I'm breathing out
Someone else inhaled and exhaled, a glow that resembles a scream
Let's at least taste it, whether it's sweet or bitter
We'll all end up in the same place, in the middle of it all
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, run ahead
This route is not forever
Hurry up, hurry up, run ahead, now crack the whip on my back
Medalists and diffiertists alike Under a sky that can't be measured
Keep going and keep racing You'll never know if you've won or lost
Till the day we drink each other across the end of the world