歌手: フレデリック
月火水木金土日 もっと 夢中になって
もういいかいと 何回も聞いたって まだだよって 簡単に言っちゃって
もういいよって バイバイしちゃって なんだったんだ 黙っちゃおれんわ
くすぶって躍起になってく 承認欲求は飽き飽きです
ほんと飽き飽きです 飽き飽きです ほんと飽き飽きです
疑って這いつくばってた そんな劣等感に飽き飽きです
月火水木金土日 ずっと 立ち止まって
興味ないと無関係と言っちゃって 消耗品と散々荒らしちゃって
等身大もわかんないみたいで どうしちゃったんだ 黙っちゃおれんわ
ほんと飽き飽きです 飽き飽きです ほんと飽き飽きです
疑って這いつくばってた そんな劣等感に飽き飽きです
時代じゃない時代じゃない自分次第だって なぁ
笑っていたいし 夢中でいたいし 想っていたいし 歌っていたいよ
くすぶって躍起になってく 承認欲求は飽き飽きです
ほんと飽き飽きです 飽き飽きです ほんと飽き飽きです
疑って這いつくばってた そんな劣等感に飽き飽きです
フレデリック – ジャンキー Romaji Lyrics
haya ri suta ri no nai zinsei wo saga si tuzu ke te ta
getukasuimokukindoniti motto mutyuu ni naxtu te
mou ii kaito nankai mo ki i ta tte mada da yo tte kantan ni i xtu tyaxtu te
mou iiyoxtu te baibai si tyaxtu te nan daxtu ta n da dama xtu tyao ren wa
naze ba kasiaxtu ten da
kikaza xtu ta ai wo kata xtu te ta tte ikizu maxtu te zyanki-
kusubuxtu te yakki ni naxtu teku syounin yokkyuu ha a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu a ki a ki desu honto a ki a ki desu
sitagatte motto mutyuu ni naxtu te tatematu xtu te tyanki-
utaga xtu te ha itukubaxtu te ta sonna rettoukan ni a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu
mou tanmei de tantyou na zyanki- ha kekkou desu
ka wari ba e no si nai mainiti wo mo yasi tuzu ke te ta
getukasuimokukindoniti zutto ta ti do maxtu te
kyoumi nai to mukankei to i xtu tyaxtu te syoumouhin to sanzan a rasi tyaxtu te
nado mi dai mo wakan nai mitai de dou si tyaxtu ta n da dama xtu tyao ren wa
na ni sukasi tyaxtu ten da
kikaza xtu ta ai mo kota e ga axtu te sore ha sore de zyanki-
katayo xtu ta ai ni so maxtu teku hinkou housei mo a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu a ki a ki desu honto a ki a ki desu
sitagatte motto mutyuu ni naxtu te tatematu xtu te tyanki-
utaga xtu te ha itukubaxtu te ta sonna rettoukan ni a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu
mou tanmei de tantyou na zyanki- ha kekkou desu
naga i naga i naga i mirai no souzou wo ega i teku
zidai zya nai zidai zya nai zibun sidai datte naxa
wara xtu te itai si mutyuu de itai si omo xtu te itai si uta xtu te itai yo
kanzyou wo
kikaza xtu ta ai wo kata xtu te ta tte ikizu maxtu te zyanki-
kusubuxtu te yakki ni naxtu teku syounin yokkyuu ha a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu a ki a ki desu honto a ki a ki desu
sitagatte motto mutyuu ni naxtu te tatematu xtu te tyanki-
utaga xtu te ha itukubaxtu te ta sonna rettoukan ni a ki a ki desu
honto a ki a ki desu
mou tanmei de tantyou na zyanki- ha o i toi te
eikyuu ni yakkai na zyanki- de kekkou desu
フレデリック – ジャンキー 歌詞 翻訳
I kept looking for a life that wouldn’t go out of fashion.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, more preoccupation.
I asked her a hundred times if she was ready, and she simply said, “Not yet.
I said bye-bye, that’s enough. What was that all about? I couldn’t keep quiet.
Why are you guys playing games with each other?
You’ve been talking about love in all its finery, but you’re a choked-up junkie.
I’m tired of your smoldering, leaping for approval.
I’m really tired of it. I’m really tired of it. I’m really tired of it.
Therefore, more preoccupied, devote yourself to it, Chunky.
I’m tired of crawling around with doubts, tired of feeling so inferior.
I’m really tired of it.
No more short-lived, monotonous junkies.
Burning through each day with no alternatives.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, all the time, standing still.
Called me irrelevant if I wasn’t interested, called me expendable, trolled me a lot.
I don’t even know what life-size is. What’s the matter with you? I can’t keep quiet.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Love dressed up has its answers, and they’re junkies at that.
I’m tired of being tainted by biased love, and I’m tired of being well-behaved.
I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it.
Therefore, more enthusiastically devote yourself to Chunky.
I’m tired of crawling around with doubts, tired of feeling so inferior.
I’m really tired of it.
No more short-lived, monotonous junkies.
Imagining a long, long, long future.
It’s not the time, it’s not the age, it’s up to you, man.
I wanna laugh, I wanna dream, I wanna think, I wanna sing.
You’re talking about love in all its finery, but you’re a choked-up junkie.
I’m tired of all this smoldering, leaping for approval.
I’m really tired of it, really tired of it, really tired of it.
Therefore, more preoccupied, devote yourself to it, Chunky.
I’m tired of crawling around with doubts, tired of feeling so inferior.
I’m really tired of it.
No more short-lived, monotonous junkies.
I’m fine with being a perpetual nasty junkie.