歌手: ケツメイシ
鳥のさえずりか 目覚ましのベルか
陽の光 朝の声が聴こえるか
窓を開け 呼び込む空気
深く吸う 目覚めのルーティーン
柔らかな風が 木々を揺らす
枝で鳥たちが 嬉々と歌う
昨日までの 悩み、戸惑いも
掻き消す 見上げた空の色
のんびり行こうぜ 今日も1から
目覚め 僅かな一歩
目指せ 穏やかな一歩
目覚め 静かな一歩
Be myself 確かな一歩
歩き出す日々 その先に…
同じようでも違う朝 繰り返し
泣きたい昨日も 今日は今日
また寝れば忘れる そうだろう
One Two Three Steps 力は抜いて
時に躓いても その手を着いて
見方変えれば 良い日となる
空の真下に 今日も始まり
よし今日もやろうか ちょっと待とうか
目覚め 僅かな一歩
目指せ 穏やかな一歩
目覚め 静かな一歩
Be myself 確かな一歩
歩き出す日々 その先に…
ケツメイシ – One step Romaji Lyrics
yoa ke to tomo ni asa ni nari
nasa ke no sama ni oda yaka ni
hu ri soso gu asahi aza yaka ni
boku ra no kokoro wo te rasu you ni
dori no saezuri ka meza masi no beru ka
hi no hikari asa no koe ga ki koeru ka
mado wo hira ke yo bi ko mu kuuki
huka ku su u meza me no ru-thi-n
yawa raka na kaze ga kigi wo yu rasu
eda de tori tati ga kiki to uta u
「 mata ganba re sou ka ? 」 「 ganba re sou da 」
「 kiraku ni o mae no manma de dou da ? 」
nante kaiwa wo si te iru you de
marude boku no senaka o si te iru you de
kinou made no naya mi 、 tomado i mo
ka ki ke su mia ge ta sora no iro
asa wo muka eru to husigi na tikara
nonbiri i ko u ze kyou mo 1 kara
nobo ru taiyou ni ka wasu aisatu
mata kyou to iu 1 niti ga hazi maru
yoa ke to tomo ni asa ni nari
nasa ke no sama ni oda yaka ni
hu ri soso gu asahi aza yaka ni
boku ra no kokoro wo te rasu you ni
meza me wazu ka na 一 po
ka mi si meru hibi no a ri gata mi
meza se oda yaka na 一 po
hu ki nu keru kaze no yasa si sa ni
meza me sizu ka na 一 po
ida kisimeru kimi no nuku mori ni
Be myself tasi ka na 一 po
aru ki da su hibi sono saki ni …
hayao ki na tori ha doko kara ki ta no
asaya ke atata kaku sora kara mimamo ru
mati ni mo sizu ka na hikari todo ku
mado a ke huu ni ka-ten hirari odo ru
ona zi you na asa wo ku ri kae si
dou ziyo u demo tiga u asa ku ri kae si
na ki tai kinou mo kyou ha kyou
mata ne re ba wasu reru sou daro u
One Two Three Steps tikara ha nu i te
zi ni tumazu i te mo sono te wo tu i te
omo i doo ri i ka zu to mo iso ga zu
mikata ka ere ba yo i hi to naru
kyou ha nandaka yo i koto ga ari sou
na kan zi de karu ku 一 po hu mi da so u
sora no masita ni kyou mo hazi mari
ara ta na kimoti de tuna gu asita ni
yoa ke to tomo ni asa ni nari
nasa ke no sama ni oda yaka ni
hu ri soso gu asahi aza yaka ni
boku ra no kokoro wo te rasu you ni
mata dokoka de asa ga hazi maxtu teku
sorezore no zinsei mazi waxtu teku
yosi kyou mo yaro u ka tyotto ma to u ka
raku ni i ke ba yo i kara tomado u na
2 do nai kyou wo tano sin de i ko u ze
raku na hi arya kara i hi mo aruze
kyou ha donna hi ni naru no ka tte
sousa konna hi ni naru n datte i ko u ze
yoa ke to tomo ni asa ni nari
nasa ke no sama ni oda yaka ni
hu ri soso gu asahi aza yaka ni
boku ra no kokoro wo te rasu you ni
meza me wazu ka na 一 po
ka mi si meru hibi no a ri gata mi
meza se oda yaka na 一 po
hu ki nu keru kaze no yasa si sa ni
meza me sizu ka na 一 po
ida kisimeru kimi no nuku mori ni
Be myself tasi ka na 一 po
aru ki da su hibi sono saki ni …
ケツメイシ – One step 歌詞 翻訳
And with the dawn of day, it became morning
Calm as mercy
The morning sun shining brightly
To light up our hearts
Birdsong or an alarm bell?
The sunlight, can you hear the morning?
Open the window and let the air in.
Breathe deeply. Wake up routine.
A soft breeze ruffles the trees.
Birds on the branches sing with joy.
Are you ready to go again? I’m gonna try.
“How about you just take it easy and be yourself?”
What a conversation they seem to be having.
It’s as if he has my back.
The troubles and perplexities of yesterday
Drowns out the color of the sky
When morning comes, it’s a mysterious force
Let’s take it easy. Let’s start from scratch today.
Greetings to the rising sun
Another day called today begins
With the dawn comes the morning
Calm as mercy
The morning sun shining brightly
To light up our hearts and minds
Waking up, one small step at a time.
Thankfulness for each day to chew on
Aim for one gentle step
The gentleness of the wind that blows through
Wake up, quiet step
To the warmth of your embrace
Be myself A sure step
Walking away day after day…
Where did the early bird come from?
Morning glow warmly watches from the sky
Silent light reaches the city
Open the window and let the curtains dance in the wind
The same morning over and over again
Same but different mornings, over and over again.
Yesterday I wanted to cry, but today is today
I’ll sleep again and forget, won’t I?
One, two, three steps
Sometimes you stumble, but you get your hands on it.
Don’t rush even if things don’t go your way
Change your perspective, and it’s a better day.
Something good is going to happen today
Let’s take a light step forward with a feeling of
Just under the sky, today begins
Tomorrow we will connect with a new spirit
With the dawn comes the morning
Calm as mercy
The morning sun shining brightly
To light up our hearts
Somewhere morning begins again
Each life intersects with the other.
All right, let’s do it again today. Or we could wait a bit.
Go easy, don’t get confused
Let’s enjoy this day that won’t happen twice.
Some days are easy, some days are hard.
I was just wondering what today would be like.
Yeah, this is the kind of day we’re talking about.
With the dawn comes the morning
Calm as mercy
The morning sun shining brightly
To light up our hearts
Waking up, just a few steps.
Thankfulness for each day to chew on
Aim for one gentle step
The gentleness of the wind that blows through
Wake up, quiet step
To the warmth of your embrace
Be myself A sure step
Walking away day after day…