歌手: あべりょう
顕微鏡のぞき 卵子に精子を そっと 受精させ
細胞分裂始めた 卵を 母体に戻す
1つの細胞が 指数的 2、4、8、16、32
遺伝子を 正確にコピーしながら 37兆個に分裂
粉ミルクも 殺菌しなきゃ 細菌が細胞分裂
単細胞の細菌も 多細胞の赤ちゃんも 必死で生きてる
ATGCの 四文字だけで ヒトの設計図を描き
折りたたみ 細胞核に 格納する DNA工務店
長さ1mの 設計図が求める 炭素のアミノ酸
集めた タンパク質のブロックで 人のカラダを 建設していく
いつ どの 設計図を 使うかは 門外不出で
受精卵から 五臓六腑まで 勢い 2か月で建設
一度作れば 二度と作らないくせに
痛んだら補修し 設計図が傷つくと 暴走する がん細胞
1億年前の恐竜も まるごと建築可能な
100分動画に匹敵する データ量の設計図
そのどのシーンを 37兆の細胞達に 割り振るか
キミという映画の キャストも ラストシーンを決める 監督も DNA
20億年前の バクテリアも 多細胞な 魚も ヒトも
細胞分裂 指示するDNAは もともと同じで
単細胞生物が ヒトの祖先だったと 証明されたし
キミを 「単細胞なヤツだ!」と バカにするのは 明日から控える
酸素も 多細胞生物もいない 原始の地球の海で
漂うだけの 単細胞にも すでにDNAがあった
20億年前の DNAの 設計図の1行目は
なんて書いてたか 誰が書いたのか ニワトリが先か 卵が先か
聖書が 「始めに言葉ありき」と ボヤかしたのも 一理あるよね
kenbikyou nozoki ransi ni seisi wo sotto zyusei sa se
saibou bunretu hazi me ta tamago wo botai ni modo su
1 tu no saibou ga sisuu teki 2 、 4 、 8 、 16 、 32
idensi wo seikaku ni kopi- si nagara 37 tyou ko ni bunretu
kona miruku mo sakkin si nakya saikin ga saibou bunretu
tansaibou no saikin mo tasaibou no aka tyan mo hissi de i ki teru
ATGC no 四 mozi dake de hito no sekkei zu wo ega ki
o ritatami saiboukaku ni kakunou suru DNA koumuten
naga sa 1 m no sekkei zu ga moto meru tanso no amino san
atu me ta tanpaku situ no burokku de hito no karada wo kensetu si te iku
itu dono sekkei zu wo tuka u ka ha mongaihusyutu de
zyuseiran kara gozouroppu made ikio i 2 ka getu de kensetu
itido tuku re ba 二 do to tuku ra nai kuse ni
ita n dara hosyuu si sekkei zu ga kizu tuku to bousou suru gan saibou
1 oku nen mae no kyouryuu mo marugoto kentiku kanou na
100 hun douga ni hitteki suru de-ta ryou no sekkei zu
sono dono si-n wo 37 tyou no saibou tati ni wa ri hu ru ka
kimi to iu eiga no kyasuto mo rasuto si-n wo ki meru kantoku mo DNA
20 oku nen mae no bakuteria mo tasaibou na sakana mo hito mo
saibou bunretu sizi suru DNA ha motomoto ona zi de
tansaibou seibutu ga hito no sosen daxtu ta to syoumei sa re ta si
kimi wo 「 tansaibou na yatu da ! 」 to baka ni suru no ha asita kara hika eru
sanso mo tasaibou seibutu mo i nai gensi no tikyuu no umi de
tadayo u dake no tansaibou ni mo sudeni DNA ga axtu ta
20 oku nen mae no DNA no sekkei zu no 1 gyou me ha
nante ka i te ta ka dare ga ka i ta no ka niwatori ga saki ka tamago ga saki ka
seisyo ga 「 hazi me ni kotoba ari ki 」 to boya ka si ta no mo itiri aru yo ne
Looking through a microscope, an egg is gently fertilized by a sperm.
The egg, which has begun cell division, is returned to the mother's body.
One cell divides exponentially... 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
The cell divides into 37 trillion cells, copying the exact number of genes.
Even powdered milk has to be sterilized before the bacteria can divide.
Single-celled bacteria, multicellular babies, all struggling to survive.
With just four letters, ATGC, they draw the blueprint of a human being.
Folded and stored in the nucleus of the cell.
The one-meter-long blueprint calls for carbon amino acids.
The blocks of protein we've collected will be used to build the human body.
When and which blueprint is used is a secret from the outside world.
From the fertilized egg to the internal organs, it will be built with vigor in two months.
You build it once, you don't build it again.
You build it once, you never build it again, but you repair it when it's damaged, and when the blueprints are damaged, it's a cancerous cell that runs amok.
A cancer cell that can build a 100-million-year-old dinosaur in its entirety.
A blueprint with as much data as a 100-minute movie.
Which of the 37 trillion cells should be assigned to each scene?
The cast of your movie, the director who decides the final scene, your DNA.
Whether you're a two-billion-year-old bacterium, a multicellular fish or a human being.
The DNA that tells them to divide is the same.
It's been proven that single-celled organisms are the ancestors of humans.
So I'll refrain from making fun of you. I'll refrain from making fun of you tomorrow.
You're already a single-celled organism drifting in the primordial seas of a primitive Earth without oxygen or multicellular life.
No oxygen, no multicellular life, just a single cell drifting in the primordial oceans of our planet.
Two billion years ago, the first line of the DNA blueprint...
I wonder who wrote it... the chicken or the egg.
I guess the Bible has a point when it says, "In the beginning was the Word."