

さあさ 聞いておいで

昇れば 束の間 憩いの時間
ちとそれは 焦り過ぎじゃないかい

井戸端 縁側 歩いてみりゃ
おや随分 歳を重ねたもんだ

ゆったりと 日陰で涼んで
美味なる甘味も 交わす盃も
いっぱいに満ち満ちてゆくように 心をこめて

おつかれさん 本日の務めも一丁上がり
寝転ぶも良し 騒ぐも良し
どこか懐かしい とて新しい

千秋の思いも 忘れるもの
両者とも 同じ呼び名のままで

さっぱりと 湯浴みのあとで
培った学びや 触れ合った遊びは
しっかりと根を張り花を咲かせ 誇りを繋ぐ

おつかれさん 笑いと花火が打ち上がり
いざ繰り返し 来たる朝に
祭りのあとに 撫ぜる風に

みじかき光 であればこそ
どこか懐かしい とて新しい

saa sa   ki i te oide
soko yuku hito

o tentousama ga sora ni taka ku
nobo re ba   tuka no ma   iko i no zikan
mia geru hima ( itoma ) mo na i to i u ka
tito sore ha   ase ri su gi zya nai kai

temo ti busata nya kio i mo se zu
idobata   engawa   aru i te mirya
ka wara nu mama de i ru ki ga si ta ga
oya zuibun   tosi wo kasa ne ta mon da

yuttari to   hikage de suzu n de
minoga si ta mono wo saga su kaku ren bo
bimi naru kanmi mo   ka wasu sakazuki mo
ippai ni mi ti mi ti te yuku you ni   kokoro wo kome te

otukare san   honzitu no tuto me mo 一 tyou a gari
korezo to mo ti yo ru ha miyage hanasi
nekoro bu mo yo si   sawa gu mo yo si
asita wo ka keru siki wo a geyo u zya nai ka
yama ga kureru yuta ka na megu mi
umi ni hako ba reru ha sio no kao ri
dokoka natu kasii   tote atara sii
mata kasa naxtu te yuku omo i de ga hitotu

hisa sii naka mo kata wo tata kya
sensyuu no omo i mo   wasu reru mono
enryo ha ira nu to ka wasu kotoba
ryousya to mo   ona zi yo bi na no mama de

sappari to   yua mi no ato de
oda yaka de are ba ki zuku oku ri mono
tutika xtu ta mana biya   hu re a xtu ta aso bi ha
sikkari to ne wo ha ri hana wo sa ka se   hoko ri wo tuna gu

otukare san   wara i to hanabi ga u ti a gari
kutabi re ta mi ni si miru ha yasu ragi
iza ku ri kae si   ki taru asa ni
sugasuga sii meza me wo ageyo u zya nai ka
yukai na kono hi ha nagorio sii
toritome mo naku bun ni ka ki siru si
matu ri no ato ni   na zeru kaze ni
mata ituka okona u tigi ri wo hitotu

yasu mi to i e do izure o wari
ituka huto omo u kako he to ka wari
mi zi kaki hikari   de are ba koso
ma ke nai kurai ima wo tano simo u zya nai ka
yama ga kureru yuta ka na megu mi
umi ni hako ba reru ha sio no kao ri
dokoka natu kasii   tote atara sii
mata kasa naxtu te yuku omo i de ga hitotu

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Hey, there, passerby.

When the sun is high in the sky
When the sun rises, it's time for a brief respite
No time to look up...
You're being a bit hasty, aren't you?

If you're too busy, don't worry about it
Walking along the edge of the well
I thought I was still the same
But I've aged so much

I'm relaxing, cooling off in the shade
Hiding and seeking what we've missed
The delicious sweetness and the cups we drink
I'm filled to the brim with the spirit of the day

Thank you for your hard work, today's work is done
We're done with today's work, we're done with today's work, we're done with today's work
You can lie down or make a fuss
Let's raise our morale for tomorrow
The mountains give us bountiful blessings
Carried by the sea, the scent of the tide
Somehow nostalgic and new
One more memory that keeps piling on top of another

If you tap your shoulder, even if you've known each other for a long time
And the thoughts of a thousand autumns are forgotten
Words exchanged that there's no need to be shy
Both of us remain the same name

After a refreshing hot bath
If you are calm, you will notice the gift
The lessons we've learned, the games we've played
Roots firmly planted, flowers blooming, pride linked

good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night
the weary body is filled with a sense of peace
I'll repeat it again and again in the morning to come
Let's wake up refreshed and refreshed
I'll miss this joyous day
I write down in sentences without stopping
After the festival, the wind caresses us
I'll make a promise to do it again someday

Even though it is a vacation, it will end sooner or later
Someday it will turn into the past that I suddenly think of
If it is a fleeting light, it is precisely because it is fleeting
Let's enjoy the present as much as we can
The mountains give us bountiful blessings
The sea carries the scent of the tide
Somehow nostalgic and yet new
A memory that will be repeated again and again