曲名:キズナ feat. りりあ。

映画『サバカン SABAKAN』主題歌


忘れない 今のボクをささえる宝物だから
離れていても感じる あなたの優しさ
だから どこにいたって もう一人じゃない
どんな事あっても くじけない

空と海が重なった あの島のような
離れても同じ色に 優しく混ざり合う

何々を知ったり 何々を知らなかったり
止まったり 前に進んだり 後ろに下がったり
カラン コロン また広がる
カラン コロン またコロガル

そっと胸に手をあてて 眠れない夜は
夢の中でまた会える 聞こえる子守唄

La La La・・・・
ほら 寄り添うキズナ

今 GET UP! 見上げんだ
ほら同じ空 決して孤独じゃねえんだ
いーか皆居んだ 今信じるんだ キズナ
崩れない 消えないさ これだけは さぁ行くんだ!

一歩 一歩 ただ前へ 一歩 一歩 歩幅合わせ
転びそうなら そう
手をつかめ Say Wo! Wo! 皆で歌え

一歩 一歩 進め前へ 一歩 一歩 歩幅合わせ
転びそうなら そう
この手つかめ Say Wo! Wo! 皆で歌え

いま 何してるかな 君も見ているかな
雨は止み 空に架かるアーチ

ima nani si teru kana
kun mo mi te iru kana
orenzi syoku ni so maru sora wo
asahi ni ka waru yuuhi wo

namida kobosi a xtu te na i ta yoru mo
kudaranai hanasi de asa made wara xtu ta hibi mo
wasu re nai   ima no boku wo sasaeru takaramono da kara
hana re te i te mo kan ziru   anata no yasa si sa
da kara   doko ni itatte   mou hitori zya nai
donna koto axtu te mo   kuzike nai

sora to umi ga kasa naxtu ta   ano sima no you na
hana re te mo ona zi iro ni   yasa siku ma zari a u
hora yo ri so u kizuna

naninani wo si xtu tari   naninani wo si ra nakaxtu tari
to maxtu tari   mae ni susu n dari   usi ro ni sa gaxtu tari
mizuka ra koro garu zi mo are ba
te wo ka ri te koro garu zi mo aru
karan   koron   mata hiro garu
karan   koron   mata koro garu

sotto mune ni te wo ate te   nemu re nai yoru ha
yume no naka de mata a e ru   ki koeru komoriuta
senaka wo o su kizuna

La La La ・ ・ ・ ・
hora   yo ri so u kizuna

tomo no koe ga mune ni hibi i ta
namida de si n zya miti ha mi e nai n da
ima GET UP !   mia gen da
hora ona zi sora   kextu site kodoku zya nee n da
sube te seo i ko mu koto ha nai sa
i- ka minai n da   ima sin ziru n da   kizuna
kuzu re nai   ki e nai sa   koredake ha   sa xa i ku n da !

一 po   一 po   tada mae he   一 po   一 po   hohaba a wase
koro bi sou nara   sou
te wo tukame Say Wo ! Wo !   mina de uta e

一 po   一 po   susu me mae he   一 po   一 po   hohaba a wase
koro bi sou nara   sou
kono te tukame Say Wo ! Wo !   mina de uta e

ima   nani si teru kana   kimi mo mi te iru kana
ame ha ya mi   sora ni ka karu a-ti
nizi de tunagaru kimi to boku

I wonder what he's doing right now.
I wonder if you're watching too
I wonder if you're watching the sky turn orange
The setting sun turning into the rising sun

The nights we cried over spilling Namida to each other
And the days we laughed till the wee hours of the morning over silly stories
I'll never forget them, because they're the treasures that sustain me now
I can feel your kindness even when we're apart
That's why, no matter where you are, I'm no longer alone
No matter what happens, I won't be destroyed

Like that island where the sky and sea meet
Even when we're apart, we're the same color, gently blending together
See, a kizuna that snuggles up to you

Knowing something or not knowing something
Sometimes we stop, sometimes we move forward, sometimes we move back
Sometimes we do it by ourselves, sometimes we do it with help
Sometimes it's with the help of others
Callan, cologne, it spreads out again
♪ Currán, cologne, cologne, cologne again

Gently put your hand on my chest At night when I can't sleep
I'll see you again in my dreams, a lullaby I can hear
A kizuna that pushes my back

La La La La ・・・・
Look, a kizuna that snuggles up to you

My friend's voice echoed in my heart
I can't see the road if it's blurred with tears
Now GET UP! Look up, look up, look up
See, the same sky, you'll never be alone
You don't have to carry it all on your shoulders
We're all here, now believe in us, Kizuna
It won't fall apart, it won't disappear, just this one thing, let's go!

step by step, just step forward, step by step, step by step, step by step
If you feel like you're going to fall down, just do it.
Grab my hand, say Wo, Wo, Wo, sing with me

Step, step, step, forward, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step
If you feel like you're about to fall down
Grab my hand, Say Wo, Wo, Wo, Everybody sing along

I wonder what they're doing now, I wonder if you're watching too
The rain has stopped and the arch in the sky
A rainbow connects you and me