

あぁね 弱いオチだわ 涙の釈明 落ちないファンデ
なんで被害者様? 戦の庭においでませ
せめて守れ ガイドライン あ、そっか モラリティー崩壊してんだっけ?

ねぇ お口チャック 悪女の名が廃るわ
ひそひそ話 筒抜けで ヌルゲーのパパラッチ

ハメ外してミッション果たせ カーテン閉めてXXXしようね
秘密は秘密のまま 堕ちてゆくのがマナー

カルマ マグマ ダイビング歓迎 ワンシーズンのユートピアへ
慎ましく後始末が 共犯者のオキテ

お客様どちら様? 列を乱さずちゃんと並んで
留守のすきにアウトライン 猫撫で声で踏み荒らして

裁きは致しません 手が汚れちゃう 腐ったチキン
興味ないけど どんなぬるま湯でお育ち?

ぞんざいに悪夢を払って 存在してなかったコトにして
どんなアトラクションでも タダ乗りはルール違反

カルマ マグマ スリルは満点 リスク背負ってないんだもんね?
あなたって 自信をくれるサイテーのお手本


バイバイ ため息を残して 自己制御本能が再生
響かないエコー バスタブに沈めたカレンダー

カルマ マグマ ダイビング歓迎 ワンシーズンのユートピアへ
慎ましく後始末が 共犯者のオキテ

カルマ マグマ 忘れた頃 因果応報に気をつけて
心臓は握り潰さず 握っててあげる

axa ne   yowa i oti da wa   namida no syakumei   o ti nai fande
na n de higaisya sama ?   ikusa no niwa nioi de mase
semete mamo re   gaidorain   a 、 soxtu ka   morarithi- houkai si ten da kke ?
sono kuse kaoda si NG datte sa

nexe   o kuti tyakku   akuzyo no na ga suta ru wa
hisohiso banasi   tutunu ke de   nuruge- no paparatti

hame hazu si te missyon ha tase   ka-ten si me te XXX siyo u ne
himitu ha himitu no mama   o ti te yuku no ga mana-

karuma   maguma   daibingu kangei   wan si-zun no yu-topia he
tutu masiku atosimatu ga   kyouhansya no okite

o kyakusama dotira sama ?   retu wo mida sa zu tyanto nara n de
rusu no suki ni autorain   nekona de goe de hu mi a rasi te

saba ki ha ita si mase n   te ga yogo re tyau   kusa xtu ta tikin
kyoumi nai kedo   donna nuruma yu de o soda ti ?

zonzai ni akumu wo hara xtu te   sonzai si te nakaxtu ta koto ni si te
donna atorakusyon demo   tada no ri ha ru-ru ihan

karuma   maguma   suriru ha manten   risuku syo tte nai n da mon ne ?
anata tte   zisin wo kureru saite- no o tehon

1 . haigo ni ha go youzin
2 . ma keru dake no bakuti
3 . si nu made ki e nai tumi

baibai   tame iki wo noko si te   ziko seigyo honnou ga saisei
hibi ka nai eko-   basutabu ni sizu me ta karenda-

karuma   maguma   daibingu kangei   wan si-zun no yu-topia he
tutu masiku atosimatu ga   kyouhansya no okite

karuma   maguma   wasu re ta koro   ingaouhou ni ki wo tuke te
sinzou ha nigi ri tubu sa zu   nigi xtu te te ageru

Yeah, it's a weak punch. Teary-eyed exegesis, non-removable foundation.
Why are you a victim? Welcome to the war zone.
At least follow the guidelines.
And yet, they don't want us to see their faces.

Hey, zip up your mouth, you'll ruin your reputation as a bad girl.
You're a bad girl. You're a slippery paparazzi with no one to hear your whisperings.

Let's get this mission accomplished. Let's close the curtains and do some XXX.
Secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets, and secrets are secrets.

Karma, magma, welcome to diving in our one-season utopia.
We'll clean up after ourselves. That's what our accomplices do.

Who's your guest? Get in line, get in line, get in line, get in line, get in line!
When I'm not here, you can go to the outline and trample all over it with your pawing, stroking voice.

I won't judge you, sir, but I'll get my hands dirty, you rotten chicken.
I'm not interested, but what kind of lukewarm water did you grow up in?

You'll pay for the nightmare and pretend it never existed.
Free rides on any attraction are against the rules.

Karma, magma, the thrill of it all, you're not taking any risks, are you?
You're a terrible example of a confidence builder.

1. watch your back
2. a gamble you can only lose
3. a sin that won't go away until you die

Bye-bye, leave a sigh, the self-control instinct plays
Echoes that don't resonate Calendars submerged in the bathtub

Karma, magma, welcome to diving, to one-season utopia.
Modest cleanup is the key to being an accomplice.

Karma Magma, when you've forgotten, watch out for karmic retribution.
Don't crush my heart, I'll hold it for you

[] 関連歌詞: