



無駄遣いのメモリー 空けておくとしようか

熱のまにまに アリストテレスも
一休み 遊覧飛行
あなたへの 歌歌うより
カレーライス 頬張るよ

もうノーマルというメルヘンチックも 絵になるよ


捨てられないよ 怠惰色の日々を噛まずに飲んで

無駄遣いのメモリー 空けておくとしようか

熱のまにまに アリストテレスも
一休み 遊覧飛行
あなたへの 歌歌うより
カレーライス 頬張るよ

もうノーマルというメルヘンチックも 絵になるよ

kuuhaku no kisetu
u meru you ni ha-to bi-to

17 syoku no nami ni
ase ri wo magi rawaso u to si te

ta ri nai mono wo saga su yori mo
mudazuka i no memori-   a ke te oku to siyo u ka

netu no manimani   arisutoteresu mo
hitoyasu mi   yuuran hikou
anata he no   uta uta u yori
kare-raisu   hooba ru yo

mou no-maru to iu meruhentikku wo u sou
mou no-maru to iu meruhentikku mo   e ni naru yo

pure-n no yo-guruto no
syouhi kigen ha kinou de

su te rare nai yo   taida syoku no hibi wo ka ma zu ni no n de

ta ri nai mono wo saga su yori mo
mudazuka i no memori-   a ke te oku to siyo u ka

netu no manimani   arisutoteresu mo
hitoyasu mi   yuuran hikou
anata he no   uta uta u yori
kare-raisu   hooba ru yo

mou no-maru to iu meruhentikku wo u sou
mou no-maru to iu meruhentikku mo   e ni naru yo

Blank season
A heartbeat like a filling

Into waves of 17 colors
To ease anxiety

Instead of looking for something lacking.
Empty the wasted memory.

Stay enthusiastic, and so did Aristotle.
Rest, sightseeing and flying
Compared to the song I sang to you
Curry rice surprised me.

Love the fairy tale of normality again.
The fairy tale of "normal" can also be a painting.

Flat yogurt
The consumption period is yesterday.

You can't throw it, don't bite the lazy day and drink it.

Instead of looking for something lacking.
Empty the wasted memory.

Stay enthusiastic, and so did Aristotle.
Rest, sightseeing and flying
Compared to the song I sang to you
Curry rice surprised me.

Love the fairy tale of normality again.
The fairy tale of "normal" can also be a painting.