


燦々 キラリ色した 大切なもの
忘れないから そう この日を

水平線 遥か彼方
落としたため息は 波にさらわれて消えた
蓋した本音 見つけてくれた
キミに手を引かれ ゆっくり走り出す

波打ち際に はねる影ふたつ
鳴らす足音は 明日へと響いてる

燦々 裸足のキミを 追いかけていく
心ほどけて しぶきあげた
爛漫 揺れる水面が キラリ染まって
初めて出逢う この感情
真っ直ぐに 夢を見る 奇麗なその瞳
Be myself!

急ぎ足に 時は過ぎて
空はグラデーション まるで魔法のように
刻々変わる 景色の中で
キミといつまでも 変わらずいられたら

雲ひとつない 真っ暗なキャンバス
描く花たちが 明日を照らしてく

燦々 一面に咲く それぞれの色
氷も溶ける 熱を帯びて
恋々 花火 残り香 キミの横顔
気持ち溢れて とまどうけど
今はまだ この胸に 蒔いたばかりの種
Step by step!

燦々 キラリ色した 大切なもの
目の前に今 確かにある
恋々 キミと一緒にいられる奇跡
忘れないから そう この日を

燦々 キミと並んで 歩く帰り道
真っ直ぐに 夢を見る 奇麗なその瞳
Be myself!

スピラ・スピカ – 燦々デイズ Romaji Lyrics

sansan   kirari iro si ta   taisetu na mono
wasu re nai kara   sou   kono hi wo

suiheisen   haru ka kanata
o tosi ta tame iki ha   nami ni sarawa re te ki e ta
huta si ta honne   mi tuke te kure ta
kimi ni te wo hi ka re   yukkuri hasi ri da su

kusyakusya ni wara u kimi wo ya ki tu ke te
namiu ti giwa ni   haneru kage hutatu
na rasu asioto ha   asita he to hibi i teru

sansan   hadasi no kimi wo   o ikake te iku
kokoro hodoke te   sibuki age ta
ranman   yu reru suimen ga   kirari so maxtu te
hazi mete dea u   kono kanzyou
ma xtu su gu ni   yume wo mi ru   kirei na sono hitomi
kimi no soba de wara xtu te tai kara
Be myself !

iso gi asi ni   toki ha su gi te
sora ha gurade-syon   marude mahou no you ni
kokkoku ka waru   kesiki no naka de
kimi to itu made mo   ka wara zu i rare tara

itazurani wara u kimi ga yubisa si ta
gumo hitotu nai   ma xtu kura na kyanbasu
ega ku hana tati ga   asita wo te rasi teku

sansan   itimen ni sa ku   sorezore no iro
koori mo to keru   netu wo o bi te
renren   hanabi   noko ri ka   kimi no yokogao
kimo ti ahu re te   tomadou kedo
ima ha mada   kono mune ni   ma i ta bakari no tane
ituka oo kiku sa keru sono hi made
Step by step !

sansan   kirari iro si ta   taisetu na mono
me no mae ni ima   tasi ka ni aru
renren   kimi to issyo ni i rareru kiseki
wasu re nai kara   sou   kono hi wo

sansan   kimi to nara n de   aru ku kae ri miti
hutari no asita ni tuna gaxtu teru
ma xtu su gu ni   yume wo mi ru   kirei na sono hitomi
zutto soba de wara xtu te tai kara
Be myself !

スピラ・スピカ – 燦々デイズ 歌詞 翻訳

Brilliant, glittering colors, precious things
I’ll never forget this day

The horizon is far away
The sigh I dropped was swept away by the waves and disappeared
You’ve found my true feelings that I’ve been covering up
I’m running slowly with your hand in mine

I burned your crinkled smile on my face
Two shadows splashing in the waves
The sound of your footsteps echoing toward tomorrow

I’m running after you, barefoot and radiant
My heart unravels and I splash
The surface of the water shimmering with glittering light
I meet you for the first time, this feeling
I see your dream straight ahead, your beautiful eyes
Because I want to smile beside you
Be myself!

Time passes in a hurry
The sky is a gradation, just like magic
In the ever-changing scenery
If I could stay the same forever with you

You pointed at me with your mischievous smile
A pitch-black canvas without a cloud
The flowers I paint will light up tomorrow

Brilliantly blooming all over, each color
The ice melts, the heat builds up
Love, fireworks, lingering scent, your profile
I’m overflowing with feelings and I’m at a loss
But for now, I’m still a seed just sown in my heart
Until that day when I can bloom big
Step by step!

Brilliant, glittering colors, precious things
It’s right in front of me right now
I’m in love with you, and it’s a miracle I can be with you
I won’t forget, so this day

Brilliantly, I’m walking home with you side by side
It’s connected to our tomorrow
Straight ahead, looking into your dreams, your beautiful eyes
Because I want to smile beside you forever
Be myself!

[] 関連歌詞: