歌手: ハルミューダ
I flushed 70 dollars down the toilet
Just cause I’m worried empty wallet
Suggest my plan, already bought a ticket
My heart was killed. I won’t forget
If I could have a wish fufilled
I will sell my soul to the devil
I’ve been victimized. Devoid of talent
That’ll be all right. someone cries
If I’m not back again this time tomorrow Your memories melting like a marshmallow
I don’t want to be the same
I take a deep breath, and enter the game
Is Anyone there? Siren splits the air
Single stepping way to the only winner
Is it a happy tear? his end is near
Keep on sweatin, never quitin, not just a bystander
絡まっていく 運命の交差点
改まって言う なんて興醒め
交わす言葉も意味のない ことだらけ
そこでぶち込もう曲げれない 言霊で
見せるモノクロ変わらない そのままで
かけるこの苦労段違い 浮世離れ
それならばもういっそ 辞めちまえばいい捨てちまえばいい
綺麗とか そんなのなんだってぇの?
こちとら一人でも 最高のひと時過ごしてます
ka i kabu xtu ta zibun no hyouka
ai wo si xtu ta kibun no boumankan
sonna kimo ti zya nani mo u mare nai
dobu ni su tere ba hito ni mo hu ma re nai
syusyasentaku ku ri kae si koko ni ta tu
huka kouryoku hu ri kae ri saki ni ta ta nu
koukai wo yoru zyuu saga si teru
dou ka himoto ki uraya masi gara nu you
I flushed 70 dollars down the toilet
Just cause I’m worried empty wallet
Suggest my plan , already bought a ticket
My heart was killed . I won’t forget
koko kara hazi maru gyakutengeki
moto kara kotitora rakutenteki
ha i a garu oto dake no sekai de
soko no hou kara tuzu i teru doukasen
If I could have a wish fufilled
I will sell my soul to the devil
I’ve been victimized . Devoid of talent
That’ll be all right . someone cries
If I’m not back again this time tomorrow Your memories melting like a marshmallow
I don’t want to be the same
I take a deep breath , and enter the game
ke si te me kuramasi te tensuu wo tuke te
zibun ni mu keru saigisin na kusa nai you ni to i ki te iru
si ni mu kaxtu te aru i te miti wo era n de i te
dare ka no hukou no dairinin waru agaki siyo u ni mo mizi me toka
ha ?
Is Anyone there ? Siren splits the air
Single stepping way to the only winner
Is it a happy tear ? his end is near
Keep on sweatin , never quitin , not just a bystander
kara maxtu te iku unmei no kousaten
arata maxtu te i u nante kyouza me
nani yari tai tte wakaxtu ten da kara
sassato kae xtu te no-to ni lyric o ko seyo
ka wasu kotoba mo imi no nai koto darake
soko de buti ko mo u ma ge re nai kotodama de
mi seru monokuro ka wara nai sonomama de
kakeru kono kurou dantiga i ukiyobana re
ke si te me kuramasi te tensuu wo tuke te
zibun ni mu keru saigisin na kusa nai you ni to i ki te iru
si ni mu kaxtu te aru i te miti wo era n de i te
dare ka no hukou no dairinin da toka tumannai kotoba u kan de
axa nani i xtu ten no ? hora mata miusina xtu ten no ?
sore nara ba mou isso ya me timae ba ii su te timae ba ii
kirei toka sonna no na n daxtu the no ?
kotitora hitori demo saikou no hito toki su gosi te masu
Evaluation of oneself
Understand the expansion of love.
Nothing can be done in that mood.
Throw it in the ditch without even stepping on it.
Repeatedly choose, standing here
Force majeure looking back
I spent the whole night looking for regrets.
Please don't envy untie the rope.
I flushed 70 dollars down the toilet
just cause I’m worried empty wallet
Suggest my plan,already bought a ticket
my heart was killed.I won’t forget
The reversal drama that started here.
It is originally lotte.
In a world where there is only crawling sound.
A fuse extending from the bottom
If I could have a wish fufilled
I will sell my soul to the devil
I’ve been victimized.devoid of talent
that’ll be all right.someone cries
if I’m not back again this time tomorrow your memories melting like a marshmallow
I don’t want to be the same
I take a deep breath,and enter the game
Turn it off, muddle through and grade it.
I don't want to lose all my doubts about myself when I am alive.
Going to death, choosing the road.
Who is the unfortunate agent? Even if he wants to struggle, he is miserable.
Is Anyone there? Siren splits the air
single stepping way to the only winner
Is it a happy tear? his end is near
Keep on sweatin,never quitin,not just a bystander
A crossroads destined to be entangled.
To tell the truth, it's so disappointing.
Because I know what you want to do.
Go back quickly and wake lyric up in the notebook.
The language of conversation is also full of meaningless things
So I use the words that can't be changed anymore.
The monochrome of the display remains unchanged.
It took a lot of effort to get away from the world.
Turn it off, muddle through and grade it.
I don't want to lose all my doubts about myself when I am alive.
Going to death, choosing the road.
Boring words like being someone's unfortunate agent pop up.
Ah, what are you talking about? Look, are you lost again?
In that case, just resign and throw it away.
You mean pretty or something?
I also had the best time alone.