歌手: アザミ(CV.朝井彩加), スミレ(CV.ファイルーズあい), タンポポ(CV.井上ほの花)
作曲:白戸佑輔(Dream Monster)・赤山コウ
そう こいつらを絶対
適当な正解 考えちゃダメダメ
言えてる うける 乗りま乗り乗り
上げ上げて 打ち上げて やりたいことだけやってこ (嫌われても)
マジパない ありえない 修行するとこ怠い (仕方ないさ)
山登りして いい子になれたはず?
乙女心 真面目と 不真面目 ガチ勝負
どんな時も一緒 うちらのためなんでしょ
おに怖いけど 大好き 大尊敬
sou koitura wo zettai
nan toka si naku te ha
tekitou na seikai kanga e tya damedame
i e teru ukeru yotunoya rima no ri no ri
ziyuu sugiru yatu ra sa
tano sii koto bakari atu me tyae
a ge a ge te u ti a ge te yari tai koto dake yaxtu te ko ( kira wa re te mo )
mazipa nai arie nai syugyou suru toko daru i ( sikata nai sa )
yamanobo ri si te ii ko ni na re ta hazu ?
otomegokoro mazime to humazime gati syoubu
o mae ra no syoukon wo tata ki nao su made
donna toki mo issyo uti ra no tame na n desyo
o ni kowa i kedo daisu ki dai sonkei
torima bisibasi kita eru zo
kyou mo tuyo ku nari masi ta
Yeah, we've got to do something about these guys.
We have to do something.
Don't think of the right answer. Don't think of the right answer.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're too free.
They're too free.
We'll just do what we want to do, even if they don't like us.
I can't believe we're doing this. We're too lazy to train.
I thought I could be a good girl by climbing mountains.
The girl's heart, the seriousness, the inauthenticity...
Until you're all rehabilitated...
You're always with us. You're doing this for us, right?
I'm scared of you, but I love you! I respect you!
I'm going to train you hard!
We're getting stronger today!