


今日誕生日 また一つ歳をとり
あなたが僕 生んだ歳に並んだ

高く積み上げたら 見て欲しかった積み木を
喜ぶ姿が 支えになった

当たり前じゃないことが やっと少しわかったよ
どんなに 感謝してもし切れない
終わりはいつか来るけど 寂しさ感じるのはまだ

喧嘩もしたね 煩わしく思う日も
驚かせて 喜んで欲しかっただけ

変わらないでそばにいて 積み上げてく幸せを
いつでも 見て欲しい

当たり前にそばにいて 当たり前に続いていく毎日で
長生きして 元気で 積み上げてく積み木たち
見ててよ それこそが喜び


空想委員会 – 積み木遊び Romaji Lyrics

kyou tanzyou bi   mata hito tu dosi wo tori
anata ga boku   u n da tosi ni nara n da
arubamu ni ha natu kasii kioku tati
itumo boku wo mitibi i te kure ta yone

taka ku tu mi a ge tara   mi te ho sikaxtu ta tu mi ki wo
yoroko bu sugata ga   sasa e ni naxtu ta

a tari mae zya nai koto ga   yatto suko si wakaxtu ta yo
donna ni   kansya si te mosi ki re nai
o wari ha ituka ku ru kedo   sabi si sa kan ziru no ha mada
egao de i rareru you ni

kenka mo si ta ne   wazura wasiku omo u hi mo
itumo boku no kotoba ga ta ri nakaxtu ta
seikou deki ta sugata wo mi se takaxtu ta
odoro ka se te   yoroko nde ho sikaxtu ta dake

ka wara nai de soba ni i te   tu mi a ge teku siawa se wo
itu demo   mi te ho sii

a tari mae ni soba ni i te   a tari mae ni tuzu i te iku mainiti de
mi se reru dake mi se tai na
nagai ki si te   genki de   tu mi a ge teku tu mi ki tati
mi te teyo   sore koso ga yoroko bi

空想委員会 – 積み木遊び 歌詞 翻訳

Today is my birthday. I’m one year older.
I’m the same age you were when you gave birth to me
In my album, I have fond memories
You were always there to guide me

When I piled the blocks high, I wanted you to see them.
The joy in your eyes was my support.

I finally understand a little more than I took for granted.
I can’t thank you enough.
The end will come someday, but I won’t feel lonely yet.
I hope you can keep smiling

We’ve had our fights, days when I feel annoyed
My words were always insufficient
I wanted to show you how successful I was
I just wanted to surprise you and make you happy

I want you to stay the same, stay by my side, and see the happiness I’m building up
I want you to always see me

I want you to see the happiness that I’m building up.
I want to show you as much as I can
Live long, stay healthy, and keep building up the blocks
Watch me, that’s the joy

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