歌手: amazarashi
際立って透明な 霜が降りる頃 鴉の目玉は瑠璃色
凍てつく寄る辺ない夜を 忌々しく睨み続けたから
街へ降りれば石を投げられて 森では鼻摘まみ者
ほとほと疲れて逃げ込む 納屋で憂鬱を育てた
愛されたいと願うことを 恥じてしまうには十分だった
憎たらしい人生を 夜通し罵り続けたから
失意のほとりで 出会ったあの人は
陽の光集め 故郷へ帰る旅路の途中
人と違う二人が揃えば 僕らだけの普通
それはこの地上で 同じ痛みに集うから
「ここにいるべきじゃないよ もっと相応しい場所があるよ」
君はそう言い旅に戻った 白い羽根が空に際立った
同じ色に交れば普通で 他に交れば僕ら除け者
所在変われど僕は変わらず僕である この羽根と等しく
この羽根が黒く 忌まわしくはためくのは
憎たらしい人生を 未だに罵り続けるから
際立って透明な 霜が降りる頃 白鳥の目玉は紅色
旅路のもの懐かしさと 別れた人に泣き腫らすから
amazarashi – 鴉と白鳥 Romaji Lyrics
kiwada xtu te toumei na simo ga o riru koro karasu no medama ha ruriiro
i tetuku yo ru be nai yoru wo imaima siku nira mi tuzu ke ta kara
mati he o rire ba isi wo na ge rare te mori de ha hanatu mami sya
hotohoto tuka re te ni ge ko mu naya de yuuutu wo soda te ta
ai sa re tai to nega u koto wo ha zi te simau ni ha zyuubun daxtu ta
kono naga i kodoku ha
kono hane ga kuro ku so maxtu te simaxtu ta no ha
neta mi de kuro zun da izumi ni hita si ta kara
koe ga hido ku syagare te simaxtu ta no ha
niku tarasii zinsei wo yodoo si nonosi ri tuzu ke ta kara
situi no hotori de dea xtu ta ano hito ha
kuwa no mi no aka i medama to siro i hane
hi no hikari atu me kokyou he kae ru tabizi no totyuu
hutuu zya nai no ha hito to tiga u kara
zin to tiga u hutari ga soro e ba boku ra dake no hutuu
sono hane ga siro ku sora ni hatameku no ha
kokyou no yukigesiki no biro-do wo mato u kara
boku ra kitto dokoka ni te i ta
sore ha kono tizyou de ona zi ita mi ni tudo u kara
「 koko ni iru beki zya nai yo motto husawa sii basyo ga aru yo 」
kun ha sou i i tabi ni modo xtu ta siro i hane ga sora ni kiwada xtu ta
ona zi iro ni mazi re ba hutuu de hoka ni mazi re ba boku ra no ke mono
syozai ka ware do boku ha ka wara zu boku de aru kono hane to hito siku
sonna boku wo boku ha hoko ru yo
kono hane ga kuro ku i mawasiku hatameku no ha
boku ga boku de aru ita mi ni ha bataku kara
koe ga hido ku mimizawa ri na no ha
niku tarasii zinsei wo ima da ni nonosi ri tuzu keru kara
kiwada xtu te toumei na simo ga o riru koro siratori no medama ha beniiro
tabizi no mono natu kasi sa to waka re ta hito ni na ki ha rasu kara
amazarashi – 鴉と白鳥 歌詞 翻訳
The raven’s eyeballs are lapis lazuli when the frost is so clear.
I’ve been glaring at the freezing night, the night of nowhere.
I’m a stone thrower in the city, a nose picker in the woods
I was so tired that I ran away and grew melancholy in the barn
It was enough to make me ashamed of wanting to be loved.
This long loneliness
That this feather has turned black
I dipped it in a fountain blackened with envy
My voice has grown hoarse
Because I cursed my hateful life all night long
I met her at the edge of my disappointment
Red eyeballs and white feathers from mulberry trees
I’m on my way back home, gathering sunshine
I’m not normal because I’m different from others
When two people who are different come together, it’s our own normal
The way those feathers flutter in the white sky
Because we’re clad in the snowscape of our hometown
I’m sure we’re somehow alike
It’s because we’re gathered in the same pain on this earth
“You shouldn’t be here, there’s a better place for you”
You said that and returned to your journey White feathers stood out in the sky
If we mingle with the same color, we’re normal. If we mingle with others, we’re the outcasts.
I’m still me, even though I’m in a different place, just like this feather
I’m proud of the way I am
This feather flutters black and repulsive
Because I am me, flapping my wings in pain
The reason why my voice is so deafening
Because I’m still cursing my hateful life
When the frost falls, the swan’s eyes are red.
Because I cry and swell from the nostalgia of the journey and the people I’ve parted with