

始まりは得てして些細だった 無知で非常識な夢想家
持たざる者特有の 怖いものなしの一歩 誰もが授かる訳ないギフト
限られてる手札くしくも 理解者ゼロだからひたすら
自殺志願者 オア 開拓者 青年のディザスター

無我夢中が貫く昼夜 鬱憤を打ち付けるシューター
「おまえじゃ無理」とのたまった 疑念の眉間を撃ち抜いた
共感と支持が伝播して 見ず知らずが共犯関係
伸るか反るかで伸る選べば 少なからず挑戦者

名シーンだけの人生じゃいられないな 不成功がもたらす栄光
延々待っても来ない順番は 不名誉が僕らの名誉で
ディザスター 危機が訪れて あれがはじまりだとのちに知るんだよ
笑えてくるぜ 笑えてくるぜ

憧れ 現実 過去 現在 収支と事情 照らし合わせ
「今思えば」が彩る数多くのディスコグラフィ 肩書は進行形の作品
止まる訳いかない疲れたで 価値は語れない数字と金
昼夜逆転のダメ人間 歪んだ分濃い陰影

無力感がうるさい夜は ヘッドフォンで耳を塞いだ
くそくらえと罵った声 自分に刺さり抜けない棘
もういいかと腰を下ろせば そんなもんかと夢が笑った
没後評価されて喜ぶ 作家なんているもんか

名シーンだけの人生じゃいられないな 不成功がもたらす栄光
延々待っても 来ない順番は 不名誉が僕らの名誉で
ディザスター 危機が訪れて あれがはじまりだとのちに知るんだよ
笑えてくるぜ 笑えてくるぜ

嵐の前、靴紐きつく 朝方の荒野の沈黙
向かい風に背を預けたら 図らずも追い風になった
困難はふいに訪れて 野望とか動機を試す
人が押し付ける褒章は 心底くそくらえ

名シーンだけの人生じゃいられないな 不成功がもたらす栄光
延々待っても 来ない順番は 不名誉が僕らの名誉で
ディザスター 危機が訪れて あれがはじまりだとのちに知るんだよ
笑えてくるぜ 笑えてくるぜ

hazi mari ha e tesite sasai daxtu ta   muti de hizyousiki na musouka
mo ta zaru sya tokuyuu no   kowa i mono nasi no 一 po   dare mo ga sazu karu wake nai gihuto
kagi ra re teru tehuda kusikumo   rikaisya ゼロ da kara hitasura
zisatu sigansya   oa   kaitakusya   seinen no dhizasuta-

mugamutyuu ga turanu ku tyuuya   uppun wo u ti tu keru syu-ta-
「 omae zya muri 」 to notamaxtu ta   ginen no miken wo u ti nu i ta
kyoukan to sizi ga denpa si te   mi zu si razu ga kyouhan kankei
no ruka so ruka de noba ru era be ba   suku nakarazu tyousensya

mei si-n dake no zinsei zya i rare nai na   huseikou ga motarasu eikou
enen ma xtu te mo ko nai zyunban ha   humeiyo ga boku ra no meiyo de
dhizasuta-   kiki ga otozu re te   are ga hazimari da to noti ni si ru n da yo
wara e te kuru ze   wara e te kuru ze

akoga re   genzitu   kako   genzai   syuusi to zizyou   te rasi a wase
「 ima omo e ba 」 ga irodo ru kazuoo ku no dhisuko gurafi   katagaki ha sinkoukei no sakuhin
to maru wake ika nai tuka re ta de   kati ha kata re nai suuzi to kin
tyuuya gyakuten no dame ningen   yuga n da bun ko i inei

muryokukan ga urusai yoru ha   heddofon de mimi wo husa i da
kuso kura eto nonosi xtu ta koe   zibun ni sa sari nu ke nai toge
mou ii ka to kosi wo o rose ba   sonna monka to yume ga wara xtu ta
botugo hyouka sa re te yoroko bu   sakka nante iru monka

mei si-n dake no zinsei zya i rare nai na   huseikou ga motarasu eikou
enen ma xtu te mo   ko nai zyunban ha   humeiyo ga boku ra no meiyo de
dhizasuta-   kiki ga otozu re te   are ga hazimari da to noti ni si ru n da yo
wara e te kuru ze   wara e te kuru ze

arasi no mae 、 kutuhimo kituku   asagata no kouya no tinmoku
mu kai kaze ni se wo azu ke tara   haka razu mo o i kaze ni naxtu ta
konnan ha hui ni otozu re te   yabou toka douki wo tame su
zin ga o si tu keru housyou ha   sinsoko kuso kura e

mei si-n dake no zinsei zya i rare nai na   huseikou ga motarasu eikou
enen ma xtu te mo   ko nai zyunban ha   humeiyo ga boku ra no meiyo de
dhizasuta-   kiki ga otozu re te   are ga hazimari da to noti ni si ru n da yo
wara e te kuru ze   wara e te kuru ze

At first, it is often a trivial ignorant dreamer with no common sense.
A fearless step unique to nothing-a gift that no one can get.
Because the hand is limited and there is no one who understands it, so blindly
Suicide volunteer, disaster star of Qinghai pioneer youth

A pitcher who is desperate to vent his depression day and night
Hit the eyebrows with doubt because "you can't do it"
Resonance and support communication, strangeness is an accomplice relationship.
Good or bad, as long as you choose well, you can become many challengers.

You can't just live a life of fame, the glory brought by failure
After waiting for a long time, the order of not coming is dishonor, but our reputation.
Disaster crisis arrival, you will know that it is the beginning.
You'll laugh, you'll laugh.

Looking forward to reality and comparing past and present income and expenditure
Many discotheque titles embellished by "now I think about it" are works in progress.
I can't stop being tired, and I can't talk about numbers and money.
It's impossible to turn day and night upside down. The twisted dark shadows of human beings.

I plugged my ears with headphones at night when I felt powerless and noisy.
The hateful voice of scolding him can't pierce his own thorn
I thought "enough". As soon as I sat down, my dream smiled.
No writer will be happy to be praised after his death.

You can't just live a life of fame, the glory brought by failure
After waiting for a long time, the order of not coming is dishonor, but our reputation.
Disaster crisis arrival, you will know that it is the beginning.
You'll laugh, you'll laugh.

Before the storm, the silence of shoelaces in the wilderness in the morning
Back against the wind, the result unexpectedly turned into a downwind.
Difficulties suddenly come, testing ambition and motivation.
The medals imposed by others are unbearable in my heart.

You can't just live a life of fame, the glory brought by failure
After waiting for a long time, the order of not coming is dishonor, but our reputation.
Disaster crisis arrival, you will know that it is the beginning.
You'll laugh, you'll laugh.